See What Everyone Is Saying About Us

See What Everyone
Is Saying About Us

We have seen positive improvements in student motivation, perseverance and willingness to try new things out of their comfort zone. This has equated to improved work ethic and academic skills in some of our students. Others have gained confidence, empathy and stronger communication skills. ALL of them are so excited to return!
School Social Worker
at David Turnham Elementary
Since starting the program at Stir-n-Up Hope, I have seen a big change in her (South Spencer Student) self-confidence. She walks with more confidence and we have noticed little things like her walking with her head up when we see her in the hallway. She is much more outgoing. In the past when we would say hello, she would rarely look up and her eyes would be focused on the ground. Now, when we say hello, she makes eye contact and often smiles and we have all noticed a big improvement in her self-confidence. I contribute this to everyone at Stir-n-Up Hope.
Social Worker
South Spencer Middle and High Schools
I have had the privilege of driving the activity bus to Stir-n-Up Hope for our small group of South Spencer Middle School students after school on Tuesdays. I happen to also be their science teacher. I have seen a tremendous improvement in students attending the program.
One of the students has become more responsible with work. She tries extremely hard to get work completed and turned in, which has not always been the case. Last nine weeks, she had a 21% due to lack of effort, not ability. This was comparable to her effort all of her 7th grade year when I had her then. For several weeks this nine weeks, she was keeping a B/C percentage. Some events at home happened and she has slipped a bit, but is currently at 63%….a 42% difference! She has not allowed herself to fail this nine weeks, and I am seeing such a change in her work ethic for most of this time she has been attending the program. I have no doubt that the things discussed in the class portion and applied in the arena are helping her see the importance of responsibility and reliability. She is seeing that she is much more capable than she thought she could be.
Another student in the program had been timid and quiet. After attending several sessions, she has started to ask questions when she needs help. I have also noticed that she is more outspoken around her peers….willing to provide input and suggestions during group work. This would not have been the case beforehand. She has improved her grade in my class approximately 6%, and I think it is because she has learned to use her voice and advocate for herself when she needs help. I don’t think she would have developed those skills if it wasn’t for the program.
It has been great to see these changes in the students attending the program. I wish more students could be involved!
South Spencer Middle School Teacher