We are so excited to share a much-anticipated pasture repair update!
Back in the summer, we shared that our pasture was eroding and we were quoted nearly $25,000 to make the needed repairs. We designated the proceeds from our first ever “HOPE-N” Show to be for this costly repair. With the community’s support, we profited over $7,000 from this event!
The first step was moving our round pen out of our pasture. Not only did we do this to make room for the machinery needing access to our pasture, but we have given the round pen a permanent home in a portion of the former parking area near our barn! This will give the horses more grazing pasture and gives our participants access to an outdoor riding space on pretty days like we’ve been blessed with this fall!

Next, came the leveling and repair part of the process. All of our pasture areas received a complete overhaul, thanks to Brett Mulzer’s VIP Foliage & Landscapes!

Over the course of three days, one of our pasture areas was repaired. The eroded areas were smoothed out, making the area much safer for both staff and horses! The efforts here will also help prevent and manage future washout problems.

After an incredible makeover, re-seeding the area is all we need to do.
While there, Brett also restored our driveways and other graveled areas. A good rain is all that’s needed for them to be good as new!

We are so grateful for Brett VIP Foliage & Landscapes – they did all this work at a deeply discounted rate and took very good care of us. We simply could not do what we do without generosity like this. Thank you for investing in the work we do for our community.