Our Pasture is Eroding: May 5, 2024

Our pasture is eroding...

Our pasture is in dire need of repair. The existing slope of our pasture is allowing for significant water erosion. The problem is worsening exponentially as more plants and soil are washed out, making it easier for the remaining areas to continue to wear away. 

For the safety of our horses and employees, the pasture must be repaired. As you can see in the pictures, the situation is quite dire. We love our horses and staff and we want to keep them safe! Unfortunately, the repair has been estimated to cost over $21,000. For a small nonprofit, that is a huge amount!

Our upcoming open show (“HOPE-N” Show) has been designated as a fundraiser for the pasture repair fund. Join us on May 18th and/or make a donation to this fund today. The Stir-n-Up Hope team (both horses and humans!) thank you!

We will post updates once this project is underway!